Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Zambales 2011 with Team Plutus

Sun Bloom Resort & Potipot Island
Candelaria, Zambales
Nov. 12 - 13, 2011

End of shift at 10 in the morning and left at approximately 11am. We didn't expected that it will be a long ride from Manila. Stopped over at Subic Pure Gold to buy groceries and ate a little because we haven't eaten our lunch yet, next stop over was Candelaria Public Market to buy canned goods and a case of beer. Arrived at the resort around 6 in the evening. That was really tiring! after everyone had already changed their clothes and rest a while. We finally set up bonfire beside the beach. Danced, sang along with the strum of guitar played by kuya raffy, laughed so hard, got drunk and had night swimming at the beach. That night's awesome.

The next day, finally, it's potipot day! unfortunately, I didn't got the chance to go because I was not feeling well during that time. They rode a boat to the Island. And it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! Had our last lunch at resort, left around 2:00pm. stop over at Subic pure gold again. arrived at Manila, exactly 9pm.


Til our next outing, Team Plutus! <3

Clari :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

What's on my mind, Literally.

It's around 3:40 in the morning and while most people are sleeping and some I assume are already in dreamland. I am here, sitting on this office chair infront of the computer, taking calls! CALLS doesn't really make me happy!! coz if it's not an inquirny, it's a transfer call! and I already have 15 calls with NO GA!! (no sell) DEMMET!

I am not feeling good today, really. I dont why. maybe I just lack some sleep! actually, I do, and If lack sleep, I cannot stay this late and communicate with different american people!!! it's killing meee. I wanna go home like NOW and get 8 hour sleep if its possible!! ...HAHAHA :p

I H A T E T H I S C R A P!!!


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Miss Universe 2011

Sept 12, 2011 was to be considered as a big day for the Philippines and as well as for the rest of the 88 countries across the world as the coronation night of the Miss Universe 2011 was finally held at Sao Paolo, Brazil.

All candidates were stunning as they walk with pride representing the country where they belong to. and as for the Philippines, we're proud to have SHAMCEY SUPSUP to represent the name of our country on that prestigious event.

During that night, Shamcey was close so close to perfection! She walks confidently during the swimsuit and evening gown portion, she's undeniably gorgeous especially the smile the she wore all throughout the competition and mostly, Shamcey is one intelligent woman as she proved that through the Question and Answer portion, and a plus factor, she's the only candidate on the top 5 who doesn't need an interpreter and what makes it more impressive, she answers the question straight to the point, doesn't need to think first, no fillers! it just comes out naturally, from her heart :)

QUESTION: Would you change your religious belief to marry the one you love?

SHAMCEY's answer: If I had to change my religious belief, I would not marry the person that I love, because the first person that I love is GOD who created me and I have my faith and my principles and this is what makes me who I am, and if that person loves me, he should love my God too." :)

I was really expecting that she can take home the crown because she truly deserves it. but on the other hand, Ms. Angola who took home the crown and title for the Miss Universe 2011 was also deserving and that also gave a proof that it doesn't matter if you're black, fair or white, everyone is beautiful in his/her own way! black is beautiful! :D

For that, I congratulate Miss Universe 2011 3rd runner up, SHAMCEY SUPSUP!!! YOU MAKE THE WHOLE PHILIPPINES PROUD!!! :D

Much Loooove,


Monday, August 15, 2011

Haluuu! Update.

Hello blog! gee. my haven't updated my blog for already a month now, and I really missed this! but I'm back, hopefully I can manage this even once a week. gaaad, am I really that busy? lol.

o well, yea, kinda. I've been a bit busy with work lately and that was the reason that I seldom go online these past few weeks, today's my last day-off for the week, then will be off to work again at 4am! wew. that's really exhausting. I never thought being in the call center industry will be this tiring for the fact that I have a graveyard shift then my sleeping time would be in the afternoon, and you know, sleeping time in the afternoon is way different from the night time coz it's more comfortable, in an easy explanation - I'm just not a vampire. LOL.

but so far, everything's been okay, I mean, I've already adjust with my rotating work schedule since I've been working for a month now, at first it was really hard for me to do this but I got used to all these. thank God! :)) and... during the first few weeks of my employment, I did had thoughts of quitting coz I was placed in a sales rep position on a U.S. account wherein hard selling is not my forte! so it was really difficult for me to adjust in the first place... but thank you Lord again that I am still here, doing the same thing and luckily I've been doing really good in sales... plus, of course, PAY SLIPS!! you know that feeling when you receive your pay and you know it's because of your hard work, and that feeling when you're already the one who's paying for the house bills and you know you are a big help to the family. that's just priceless! I've been dreaming of it during the my entire college days and look where am I now. It feels great and fulfilling! and I'm just hoping I'll continue to do good at work as long as I can... :)

there are actually a lot of things I wanna blog in.. but I'll just reserve it on the next!!


Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A place called EUROPE.

I am actually the kind of person who don't get to travel even though how much I wanted to, because aside from being busy from school before, I really don't have that enough budget to go on to a travel experience outside the country. so most of the time, I get envious whenever people I know gets to travel wherever they want, even to the farthest they could ever go.

So when I got hired a few days ago, I was really happy because even though I know the first few pay checks can't afford an outside the country trip yet, I know that I can save some and hopefully within a year, I can already afford a trip with my family outside PH. :)

and yes, speaking of travelling, to able to travel to EUROPE is definitely one of my wildest dreams!

Here are five of my favorite places and cities that I would love to visit to in Europe.

1. Santorini, Greece

- This is on the top of my list! I first saw how beautiful Santorini was, through the movie Sisterhood in traveling pants II and I just love the scenic beauty of it, the clear blue water of the beach there and how relaxing it is especially at night because the lights that are coming from the houses there were the only source of light to the entire place. :)

2. Monte Carlo, Monaco

- This place is actually new to me, I just knew about this when I saw the movie Monte Carlo film, and It's just beautiful, Monte Carlo's a part of Monaco which is the World's second smallest country, of course within Europe, they're known because of their Casinos and Top leading Beach Resorts! It's kinda like Europe's Las Vegas! :D

3. Rome, Italy

- Rome's Colosseums, Museums, the St. Peter Square and of course the Vatican City. Too many amazing tourists spots, and there wonderful building structures that so-vintage-feel!! and yes, there's also Milan, the fashion capital of the World!! :)

4. London, United Kingdom

- Who doesn't want to feel like living in a royal setting? Lol. London is probably one of the places to be, people arround you that talk with a british accent, of course, it's where the royal families live! and the talk-about Royal Wedding was held! :)

5. Paris, France

- The love capital of the world, the perfect place for a honeymoon or you just want to travel with your special someone, just the two of you...and their famous Eiffel tower :)

Just the idea of travelling to all of these destinations especially with my family or friends excites me! and I am really hoping I can somehow visit even one place in one year. This is one of the things I would really work hard for :)

Dear Europe,

see you in the near future!!!!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Meet my dad.

An effective disciplinarian, a God-fearing individual and a man who does his responsibilities well. This is how I define my dad, Franco O. De Asis.

My dad works as a police officer and as Law enforcer, I am proud to say he hasn't done anything to ruin the name and reputation of the Philippine National Police, He loves his job and he performs his duty with passion. . He is a good friend, and most of the time, people run to him asking for advise and help when they're in trouble.. He is a man of few words, but when he speaks, he talks with a lot of sense and intelligence, he can be very serious at times but when spending his time with his family or his closest buddies, he cracks funny jokes and punchlines that never fails to make us laugh.

At home, my dad can sometimes be like superman, why? because whenever our car was damaged, our pipe was broken, our shoes needs to be fix or whatever there is need for a repair, he does it all with his bare hands... :))

Talk about political issues, historical and current events, I can always count on him.. and yes, he was the main reason why I took up Political Science in college, coz he wanted me to pursue his frustration, and that is to be a successful Lawyer in the future.. and honestly, when I finished college, I never regret a thing when I followed his advise.

But you know, whatever good compliments I or other people say about him, at the end of the day, he's just like any other Father who wants the best for his family and I can never ever say anything negative or complain anything about how is my dad as a provider and a father to us, because he is definitely one of the world's greatest!

So to that number one man in my life, Happy Father's Day!!! I miss you and I love you so muuuuch! <3

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

SCAM ALERT. Be smart enough!

Hellew! Hellew!

As you can see on my last entry before this one, I blogged about how my life's been recently and that's talking more of being a fresh graduate and how hard of applying to get your very first job, and there, I tackled about how I applied for jobs wherein I was the one who decided not to pursue it even though I am already qualified for the position they're offering me, why? as you can read it again, I stated how they're hiring process is so fast, you take an exam, go through a tagalog interview, you pass and you are off to your orientation/training, but before you can start immediately, they will let you pay a certain amount of money for their health insurance or whatsoever reason! so I really had a huge doubt why we have to pay for it because as far as I know, those are to be deducted from your salary, so before I go through that orientation and paying process, I tried to google the company's name on the internet and found out that these were scams, meaning, you have to buy products from the company with your own money and sell them, then you also recruit people to do the same thing, what's worse is, the products they're endorsing cost a lot of money, plus, I have read some complains that you are also entitled to pay for dental insurance, company kit etc... So can you imagine? You're applying to get a job because you need to earn money to support yourself and to provide what your family needs, then when you get to this job, they will only add burden to your life, what's shocking is, there actually tons of scam companies around the country and I don't have any idea why despite of thousands of complains regarding such, officials haven't done anything to stop this, worst thing is, a lot of these companies are still running for years and years now. PLEASE, OPEN YOUR EYES.

How do you actually know if you're applying for a company which is a scam? I have some tips to actually help you not to go through this.

- Job Qualifications.
A well-known company. It requires you to have experience and you should actually reach at least second year college, they usual age requirement is always between 20 - 28 years old because they believe when you're young, you can do office tasks quickly and you have good memory.
Scam company. It requires you to be at the age of 18-45 years old, with or without experience and at least high school graduate. so most of unemployed people have these qualifications so the tendecy is you get amaze that you can still apply for an office staff/assistant position even if you're like 40 or you're only a high school graduate.

Hiring Process
A well-known company. Your interview will always be in english to test your communication skills, of course if you are working for prestigious companies, there are a lot foreign clients so you should be able to communicate with them in above average english.
Your exam is composed of problem solvings, analytical and logical tests, english grammar, and sometimes they test your typing speed and your listening skill.

Scam company.
Their interviews are in pure tagalog, if they ask you in english, their dictions aren't good as well knowing that they're the interviewer, they will ask you to elaborate your objective, define sucess etc... it's just very obvious that they only get these questions on in the internet.
Your exam is composed of usually 10 - 20 items, usually there are no right or wrong answer, there also questions that aren't related to your work (i.e. who is the husband of Judy Ann Santos) funny right? lol

and most importantly, a well known company doesn't let you pay a cent. if they let you pay something, you should begin to doubt. I also suggest that when they text or call you to schedule you for an interview, you can already ask them through phone if you have to pay for something, remember, when they don't reply and explain if there is a payment of not, THEN THAT IS STILL NOT TRUE.

Beware of these SCAM companies:

B.S. International Inc
MedCeeTect Company
Peso Group of Company
Optima Furtinance Consultancy
Infiniteam Enterprise
...and a lot more!

If we can't do anything to stop this, we should be the ones who should not get fooled by them.

Clari :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Hello real world!

Hey! What's up. Lol. haven't update my blog in a while so I decided to dropped by and tell you what's been up to my life recently, Well, for you to know, It's a already a month passed after my graduation and yeah, hello to the real world because I am now experiencing what a lot of unemployed people are going through! Luckily for some of my batch mates who are proceeding to Law school, they are not yet in to job hunting! but in my case who's not yet going to Law school in the next two years, really needs a job now more than anything else like as soon as possible! Haha. Hmm, just to share my experience so far, I applied in a call center (no need to mention its name) but it's huge actually, I passed the initial and second interview plus the pen and paper exam, but unfortunately didn't make it to the final interview which will probably be the last stage before my official employment as a customer service representative. That's frustrating, for real, I was THIS close...but you know, Life's like it, you'll just have to try other options available, so my next plan really, was to apply again to another call center but then on the other hand, I also want to try office work, like being in a office staff or personnel position would be okay BUT it should be in a bit well-known company or at least with a company who pays you good and satisfying salary..So from that idea, I started googling and searching for companies who are hiring for office staff positions and there are actually a lot! so I tried out two, one was in Pasay and another one is in Ortigas, I passed the inteviews and their written examinations and I am off to orientation when suddenly I don't feel right! Haha, the thing is, I am really wondering why their hiring process is soooo fast! like within an hour! there's no challenge, don't get me wrong, it's just that maybe, It's not what I expect things would be, coz the call center I applied to few days ago is also fast, yes, BUT you can really see how they hire people, HINDI BASTA-BASTA...I hope you know what I mean! LOL. even the interview I had with them was in TAGLISH! and the exam was kinda out of the world, you know, very simple that you don't need to actually think because it's not even a numerical or analytical exam, it's more of the use of common-sense.. I may sound a little choosy, but I think I should be somehow like that because I am not just a graduate of a vocational course or in Tesda or anything, I am a Far Eastern University graduate who took up Political Science... for my batch mates who are actually reading this, I know you'll agree with me somehow hahaha. So Now, I am still thinking of where to apply, still googling the net for good hiring companies which will help me to enhance my abilites! coz that's another thing, more than getting paid for your work, I still need to learn new things and grow more since I am now facing the real world! literally, REAL WORLD!!! Hahaha.

Clari <3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Summer 2011

It was Kath and Luis' 1st year Anniversary so they invited me to celebrate it with them since I became a witness of their love for each other since Day 1! Naks. Haha. I also asked Darleen and Erwin to come since Kath told me I can bring two of my friends. :)

We went to Lucena, Quezon. Kath's province on her motherside. We traveled in their car for almost 3 hours, we have arrived at their house at around 6:30 in the evening, dropped by SM Lucena to buy groceries then ate dinner and played cards before we get ready for bed.

Day 2, everyone was excited, because it's beach day!!! Went to Pueblo Por La Playa at Pagbilao, Quezon which is a 30mins. drive from their house. arrived there at exactly 11 in the morning. we were thinking why it looks like we're the only people there when we arrived, then it was said that it was an exclusive resort, for members only, e since Kath's uncle Alex has a membership there, we got the entrance free of charge, but of course, the cottage (room)and food and the rest are an exemption. The room that we rented there was beautiful! very relaxing... :) Enjoyed walking along the beach and swimming in their infinity pool wherein weird may it be, but we were able to play land games like Taya-tayaan, habulan and langit lupa! It was very tiring but super duper fuuuun! Hahaha. had delicious dinner when the night came, then decided to walk around to explore more of the resort, when we came back in our room, we played cards again. :)

Day 3, it's our very last day and before we leave Pueblo, we made the most out of our last day there, had breakfast and went swimming again for the last time.. and before 12pm, we are all set to go.. stopped by again at Kath's house there, had lunch before we finally leave Quezon. bought my pasalubong SAGING NA SABA for mama and the rest at home courtesy of Kath's mom, her nanay and tatay. :) arrived here at home around 8 in the evening...

It was hella fuuuuun! one of the fun summer getaways I had!! :) Thank you Kath and Luis and friendsss! Love you guyssss!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What's inside my bag.

The things in my bag that I carry when I go out :)

Wallet (Money, important I.D.'s)
Lacoste pouch (for my coins and my music player)
Mini notebook (for notes, scheds, something to write on)
Katingko (my first aid whenever I have headache or muscle pain)
Spongebob pouch (with my make-up stuffs inside)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Philippine Fashion Week 2011

Philippine Fashion Week 2011 (May 10, 2011)

Watched the 9:30pm show, designers were Gerry Katigbak, Arnold Galang and Chris Diaz. missed the menswear at 7:30pm BOO! :| Haha, only Erwin got the chance to watch! :))

Fun and fashionable night! really got starstruck with Sarah Meier and Danica Magpantay! Gorgeous people! <3

Looking forward for more PFW shows to attend! Yaaay! :))

THANK YOU DARLEEN and especially to you, ERWIN UBAY...


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Momma's Day!

To two of the most important women in my life, My mama and my Ama (Grandmother), HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO YOU BOTH! Thanks for the years of Love, Care and Patience. ;))

From the bottom of my heart, I love you both super duperrr! <3

Happy Mother's day as well to all the mommies in the world! You're as precious as a gem... Enjoy your special day! :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Hello new friends.

SM Manila - Luneta Park (May 01-02, 2011)

Amazingly new friends I met this year. Since Red Alert is my brother's band and Darleen and her sisters Debbie and Donna are also my friends, We got the chance to bond together as one.

Super fun times.

I love making new friends, It feels awesome!


Friday, April 29, 2011

Sagittarius: Dec. 19

A Sagittarius born on December 19 walks an emotional tightrope but is fearless. They often seem to be the strong, silent type. They need to make a contribution to society through their work or ideals. A commitment to personal goals marks them as success stories. Their talent may get them in the door, but it's their moxie that keeps them there.

Friends and Lovers

December 19 people make friends effortlessly. They can transform a frivolous relationship into a meaningful friendship. They have something of a reputation for being great lovers. They enjoy playing the field before settling down and usually gravitate toward glamorous types, though they may be somewhat plain.

Children and Family

People born on this date believe in maintaining strong family ties. They could hardly be more different in their role as parents than their parents were. They're inclined to give their children far greater freedom than they were allowed, though their academic expectations are likely to be higher.


People born on this date are in tune with the rhythms of their body, so they often subscribe to homeopathic or holistic treatments. They can benefit from deep massage, reiki, or rolfing techniques, which provide psychological and emotional benefits in addition to physical therapy.

Career and Finances

It's not uncommon for December 19 individuals to experience success early, but they do better when they have to struggle for success. If things come too easily, they're likely to lose interest. The same holds true for money. Those born to money or who make it early in their careers may lose their edge.

Dreams and Goals

People born on this date are not particularly goal-conscious but are happiest when they have opportunities to use their professional status to affect change. They like to be noticed for their singularity of purpose. The more difficult the odds against them, the more likely it is that they will succeed.

Monday, April 25, 2011

That four letter word. L-O-V-E.

four letter word with too much meaning within, complicated may it be, people will forever be hooked up with such. There are of course different kinds of Love, but this one I'm talking about is the Love you have for that someone special, Flings and mutual understandngs, Bf/Gf, Married couple, the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, partner in life.

These past few days, I've been with a bunch of close friends plus new friends who I went out with to have a real good time, and everyone seems to have their personal stories of love and heartaches, I notice each of them are involve in different situation in the complicated world of relationships due to that four letter word.

-There's this couple whose Love is full of simplicity, very carefree, one that can be admired of because of how both of them truly is in love with each other, Music unites their hearts to beat as one. Literally, Happy and In Love <3

-Another, was someone even though she loves that special someone of hers, she never express it totally because she hates commitment and she believes staying as best friends won't break anything special between them.

-Then there goes this person who's sometimes need to be apart from her love one, but is scared that one day, there's a possibility that she might not see him often because she has to be apart from him for quite a long time.

-Though Love is not that legal in her part, she chose to fight for it 'til the end but sometimes, there's just this thing that's making her want to give up but at the end of the day, out of true love for that person, she happens to stay and hold on.

-He has that someone for a couple of years but due to lack of conversation, his love became less and he's now admiring someone else, but for the sake of not putting that years they've been together in waste, he just chose to keep his silence and starts liking someone secretly.

- A true hard-to-get, she is. one of the reasons why her special someone was still consistent in courting her all through these years, an example of a person who doesn't hurry herself from love coz since she's young, she have all the time in the world to decide and eventually give out her sweetest YES to that guy.

These are their stories, can you relate yourself from any of them?

Now for the one writing this, I am in the state of happiness as well even though I do not have any, honestly, stories of love envies me, but from these stories, I have truly learned a lot, that it is not always a happy ending, that when you love someone, there will always be sacrifices that should be made, tears that will fall, hearts that will be broken.

Love is the best feeling on earth! but just like anything else, Love has imperfections, and embracing these imperfections will make Love grow beautifully and perfect in our eyes.

LOVE! LOVE and LOVE!!! <3


Sunday, April 17, 2011

RIP Aj Perez

I myself was totally shocked when I saw it on the news about the death of rising teen star AJ perez due to car accident last night, What a sad news, he passed away at the early age of 18. I am not a fan of him, but when I saw his acting in few abs-cbn tv shows, I have a strong feeling this boy will soon grow to be one of the best actors in the local scene. a lot of people compare his death to the late Rico Yan, like him, Aj was sleeping when that incident happened, both came from the same alma mater which is la salle and both passed away during holy week, and as you can see, Aj also has the charm and matinee idol looks like Rico Yan.

The incident occured when they were driving home from a show in dagupan, he was with his dad and road managers who luckily survived from the tragic accident, It was confirmed that Aj was dead on arrival. Sino mag aakala na in the next minute, mawawala na pala siya? This made me realize more, that Life is a valuable gift from God, that every single day when we woke up, we should already thank him for another blessing he has given to us.

I hope this serves as a lesson to everybody that we should value and give importance to God's gift of Life. coz we may never know what will happen today, tomorrow and to the following days to come! Prayers are our strongest weapon!

We know that you're in God's precious hands now, kid. your memories will live on, may you rest in peace, Aj Perez.

Clari <3

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hey, I made it. We all made it.

College for me, will officially end tomorrow, April 12, 2011. My Graduation Day.

and as I march up the stage in PICC to receive my diploma tomorrow, It will absolutely make me feel a mixed of emotions, I'm happy, because at last, I've finally made it to the finish line but on the other hand, I'm also sad because my student life is almost over and I will not get to see my college friends as often as we were still in school.

It's the same feeling when I graduated high school, the difference is that, after college grad, you will no longer go back in your alma mater in the next school year, instead, It's another chapter of life, after graduation, that's where LIFE begins.

College has been really tough for me, I am definitely not a perfect student in school, I buckled in speeches, I don't get to answer recitations, been absent for a few days, been late for a lot of times, struggled for the completion of thesis and even failed a subject or two. but God knows how hard I try to reach where I am now, and I know I deserve to be in the list of graduating students of batch 2011-2012

I will definitely miss my college barkada, GNO, ILUSTRADO and FRIENDS, I believe we've made the most out of the remaining days in college, hanging-out, having lunch and dinner together, going out of towns, having sleep overs...Sobrang mamimiss ko yun. How you guys cheer me up when I'm down and helped me through a lot of things,It was never easy for me in college but you guys just made it less difficult. and I know it's not yet the end, but just the beginning of a wonderful gift of friendship. I love you guys from the bottom of my heart! and I will super duper miss each and everyone of you. *BIG HUG*

Thank you to my my brothers Justine and Franco for listening to your Atsi (ate) for whatever I say, I hope this moment that I've graduated in college, serves as an inspiration for the both of you to do good and finish your school as well. I love you both!

To my parents, especially my dad, who've been the best provider, I know you are working so hard to provide everything we need financially and physically, and I would just like to say I don't need a big and expensive gift for my graduation, because by giving me a better education through all these years, It's more than enough. Polsci was never my choice but my dad's but I am proud to say I never regret a thing when I followed your advise. I know, I am not a perfect daughter, sister and a student in school but despite of my imperfections and my shortcomings, you still showed me unconditional love and undying support. This is for you Ma and Pa! I love you so much even though I don't say it to you often. Thanks for everything! and nobody can ever replace your position as parents to me and my sibblings. :)

and most especially to you, Lord Jesus Christ for your guidance and blessings all through out my existence! thank you for hearing my prayers. you will always be the reason of my achievements. I love you and I will always worship your name! I lift up everything unto your most precious name, Father.

The day after tomorrow, is where the Real World starts and I am ready for the challenge. Hoping for a better and brighter future for me and for my family. I can do this!!

CONGRATULATION BATCH 2011-2012 Graduates!!! We made it :)

Graduation is an end and a beginning. It celebrates what was accomplished, and welcomes another stage of life. :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Red Alert Band.

My brother's new band RED ALERT. the band to watch out for.

they are composed of Joseph Chavez (Drummer), Jomar Evasco (Lead and Rythm guitarist), Je-An Fernandez (Bass guitarist), Mheg Pangilinan (Female vocalist) and Franco De Asis (Male vocalist).

the band plays a variety of songs from Rnb to Pop rock, both foreign and OPM songs.

Regular Gig:
Rueben's Resto Bar and Grill (along Vicente Cruz, España)
Every Friday, 8pm onwards.

but wait for further announcements coz the band might play twice a week, soon :)

for more information
visit Red Alert's facebook page, just type RED ALERT on facebook and like the page. :p

Sunday, March 13, 2011

What's happening?

Above, are shots taken after the 8.9 magnitude Earthquake and Tsunami stroke our neighboring country Japan, and these pictures and the actual videos being shown on TV News scares me hugely because News says that there are big possibilities that the Philippines will be hit with the same Earthquake magnitude and the Tsunami as well.

Just last two days, 19 provinces in the Philippines were already on its Alert Level 2, and two of those on the list are Samar and Leyte, I have relatives in Samar and my dad was assigned in Leyte so I was really worried when I heard the news about it.

What's happening? the question you'll often hear from people since all these have started. the question that lingers on my mind.

My friend told me once "Ayan si God, gumagawa na ng paraan para maalala natin siya".

I agreed because she has a point, maybe people in Japan lack faith in the lord, I don't know about them but compared to the Philippines, we're very religious, mga madasaling tao ang pinoy sabi nga. pero walang pinipili ang sakuna, kahit saan nangyayari, kahit sino pwedeng maapektuhan.

If its God's calling, kailangan nating magbalik loob sakaniya. plus, we should never forget that we only borrowed the LIFE we're having now from him. and through anything and everything we do, we should always remember his greatness.

I pray for Japan's immediate recovery, I pray for every family's loved one who passed away from the tragedy and mostly, I pray for the people in the Philippines, may the lord be with us and keep us safe. AMEN.

FAITH WILL KEEP US ALL ALIVE. We just have to trust in HIM.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Concierto Piyu Ocho-Tres RELOADED

Concierto Piyu Ocho Tres RELOADED was a success! I enjoyed every single moment of the main artist, Callalily with their very lovable and handsome Kean Cipriano whom the only local male artist I have a crush on ever! I may sound like a super fan girl, but yes I am. I admire them very much, So twas really a dream come true!

One of the best nights I had! enjoyed the concert with my barkada (GNO and Friends), and though My feet hurts coz of standing and jumping during their performance, I was close to losing my voice coz of screaming on the top of my lungs and singing along loudly and now I am experiencing extreme colds and cough because it was also raining last night, BUT, IT WAS ALL WORTH IT!

Also, It was my last concert in FEU and I want to thank Far Eastern University Central Student Organization (Feucso) for making it extra special! Job well done you guys! This is just unforgettable! :)


GNO and Friends :)