four letter word with too much meaning within, complicated may it be, people will forever be hooked up with such. There are of course different kinds of Love, but this one I'm talking about is the Love you have for that someone special, Flings and mutual understandngs, Bf/Gf, Married couple, the one you want to spend the rest of your life with, partner in life.
These past few days, I've been with a bunch of close friends plus new friends who I went out with to have a real good time, and everyone seems to have their personal stories of love and heartaches, I notice each of them are involve in different situation in the complicated world of relationships due to that four letter word.

-There's this couple whose Love is full of simplicity, very carefree, one that can be admired of because of how both of them truly is in love with each other, Music unites their hearts to beat as one. Literally, Happy and In Love <3
-Another, was someone even though she loves that special someone of hers, she never express it totally because she hates commitment and she believes staying as best friends won't break anything special between them.
-Then there goes this person who's sometimes need to be apart from her love one, but is scared that one day, there's a possibility that she might not see him often because she has to be apart from him for quite a long time.
-Though Love is not that legal in her part, she chose to fight for it 'til the end but sometimes, there's just this thing that's making her want to give up but at the end of the day, out of true love for that person, she happens to stay and hold on.
-He has that someone for a couple of years but due to lack of conversation, his love became less and he's now admiring someone else, but for the sake of not putting that years they've been together in waste, he just chose to keep his silence and starts liking someone secretly.
- A true hard-to-get, she is. one of the reasons why her special someone was still consistent in courting her all through these years, an example of a person who doesn't hurry herself from love coz since she's young, she have all the time in the world to decide and eventually give out her sweetest YES to that guy.
These are their stories, can you relate yourself from any of them?
Now for the one writing this, I am in the state of happiness as well even though I do not have any, honestly, stories of love envies me, but from these stories, I have truly learned a lot, that it is not always a happy ending, that when you love someone, there will always be sacrifices that should be made, tears that will fall, hearts that will be broken.
Love is the best feeling on earth! but just like anything else, Love has imperfections, and embracing these imperfections will make Love grow beautifully and perfect in our eyes.
LOVE! LOVE and LOVE!!! <3