College for me, will officially end tomorrow, April 12, 2011. My Graduation Day.
and as I march up the stage in PICC to receive my diploma tomorrow, It will absolutely make me feel a mixed of emotions, I'm happy, because at last, I've finally made it to the finish line but on the other hand, I'm also sad because my student life is almost over and I will not get to see my college friends as often as we were still in school.
It's the same feeling when I graduated high school, the difference is that, after college grad, you will no longer go back in your alma mater in the next school year, instead, It's another chapter of life, after graduation, that's where LIFE begins.
College has been really tough for me, I am definitely not a perfect student in school, I buckled in speeches, I don't get to answer recitations, been absent for a few days, been late for a lot of times, struggled for the completion of thesis and even failed a subject or two. but God knows how hard I try to reach where I am now, and I know I deserve to be in the list of graduating students of batch 2011-2012
I will definitely miss my college barkada, GNO, ILUSTRADO and FRIENDS, I believe we've made the most out of the remaining days in college, hanging-out, having lunch and dinner together, going out of towns, having sleep overs...Sobrang mamimiss ko yun. How you guys cheer me up when I'm down and helped me through a lot of things,It was never easy for me in college but you guys just made it less difficult. and I know it's not yet the end, but just the beginning of a wonderful gift of friendship. I love you guys from the bottom of my heart! and I will super duper miss each and everyone of you. *BIG HUG*

Thank you to my my brothers Justine and Franco for listening to your Atsi (ate) for whatever I say, I hope this moment that I've graduated in college, serves as an inspiration for the both of you to do good and finish your school as well. I love you both!
To my parents, especially my dad, who've been the best provider, I know you are working so hard to provide everything we need financially and physically, and I would just like to say I don't need a big and expensive gift for my graduation, because by giving me a better education through all these years, It's more than enough. Polsci was never my choice but my dad's but I am proud to say I never regret a thing when I followed your advise. I know, I am not a perfect daughter, sister and a student in school but despite of my imperfections and my shortcomings, you still showed me unconditional love and undying support. This is for you Ma and Pa! I love you so much even though I don't say it to you often. Thanks for everything! and nobody can ever replace your position as parents to me and my sibblings. :)
and most especially to you, Lord Jesus Christ for your guidance and blessings all through out my existence! thank you for hearing my prayers. you will always be the reason of my achievements. I love you and I will always worship your name! I lift up everything unto your most precious name, Father.
The day after tomorrow, is where the Real World starts and I am ready for the challenge. Hoping for a better and brighter future for me and for my family. I can do this!!
CONGRATULATION BATCH 2011-2012 Graduates!!! We made it :)
Graduation is an end and a beginning. It celebrates what was accomplished, and welcomes another stage of life. :)
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